Divine Healing
The Power of Divine Healing is inherent in each of us. Jesus said, “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” This is as true today as it was nearly two thousand years ago. If we are confident in our approach, knowing that the Divine Power can heal, we can surely relieve any condition of sickness or disease.
In approaching a patient, always let your mind rest on the best and highest characteristics of life. Maintain a positive attitude toward every selfish consideration and interest. Be passive to the influence of the Spirit, but masterful of every selfish interest and self-environments. Have your patient think pleasantly and hopefully of the good he desires to receive. Do not let him talk much of his sickness.
Lift up your heart to God – have your patient do the same. Believe confidently in the power of the Divine within you and impress this same confidence on the patient. If he is not a believer, treat him just the same. The fact that he has come to you for help proves that he has some confidence in you or he would not have come. Good effects will come of your faithful treatment, and as they come he will accept them, and then he will assist you with his new belief. Never become discouraged.
As the hands are the point of contact, let your mind rest on them with the thought that the power of the Divine personality within you will be transmitted through them for the healing of the disease.
Lay your hands on the patient, one on either side of the body, limbs or head, as the case may be, and claiming Jesus’ promise, “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Think this formula: “Through my hands the Divine, which controls disease, is passing, for the healing of this sickness. The pain must cease. The healing must take place. God controls.” Learn this formula. Repeat it mentally with fervency several times in succession, then begin a treatment of the symptoms, one by one, keeping your hands on the patient all of the time, and you will find an easement of the symptoms in from five to ten minutes.
Frequently, the most serious cases will be healed in one treatment, but usually it is more gradual, because the condition of inharmony in the patient prevents complete attunement. The more complete the attunement between patient and healer, the quicker the healing will take place.
“Every good gift, and every perfect gift cometh down from the Father of Lights in whom there is no variableness, neither shadow or turning.” Hence it is right for us to call on the Divine Power for healing of the body, just as it is right to ask for any other blessing.
It is truly said, “To bring the Divinity within us into communion with the Divinity without us, is prayer.” If two minds will enter into perfect agreement, so that the Divine in one interpenetrates the other, these, thus combined, will commune with the Father above.
Jesus’ promise is, “It shall be done unto them of my Father which is in Heaven.” Go forth and heal the sick.
Let us repeat the following: Mighty Power of Infinity Wisdom, love, joy, understanding and healing, make of me a channel through which thy blessings shall flow into the world. Manifest thy spirit of healing in me, and through me, so I may draw all men unto thee. So Mote It Be.
In Cosmic Harmony