Part II
by Dr. Doreal
The great teachers of the East, when speaking of Samadhi say this: “The first step is the conquering of the lower self not merely the submersion of the lower self.” Many confuse mastery with submersion – it is not enough to push the negative in the background and then put a veneer of harmony over it. Behind the veneer we have a wall of rotten material and no matter what the outside is the worms are eating inside and after a while the structure will fall down.
The great teachers say we must build a firm foundation and after that everything that goes into it must be perfection. We cannot build secret closets in which to hide the things we are ashamed of, all that must be brought into the open and spiritually changed, alchemically changed, until the gross matter becomes the most pure gold.
The search for Samadhi is the search man has been engaged in since the fall of man, the search to attain at-one-ment with God and his lost Paradise. Yet man seeking to attain thinks he can deceive God and himself. He thinks if he goes to church on Sunday, does a few charitable things he will go to heaven. One fact man faces is that you cannot pay your way into heaven, you have to make yourself a fit vessel to sit before the holy altar and the throne of God.
I mean literally that the outer self can only be conquered when one conquers the mental processes, when we drive from our thoughts any inharmony whatsoever, when we reject every moment of the day and night every negative thought, when they cease to be a part of us – that is the first step to gaining Samadhi.
The second step is contemplation of the Divine. How can we contemplate the Divine when man’s mind is a limited thing, limited in the concepts of the three dimensional world around him, things that are part of our experience or we have learned from the experiences of others? How can an unlimited and boundless God be contemplated by one who is limited and bound? He cannot, but one can strive to break that limitation and bondage by enlarging their boundaries and enter into an expanded state which is beyond the limitation of the things in our material world.
There are a great many students on the path or off the path (there are more off than on the path I am sorry to say) who think that if a thing is beyond them, if it is hard they should push it to one side and say, “That is not for me, I am not ready for it.” The only way we will ever break our bondage, the only way the Adepts ever attained, the only way we will ever break our boundaries and the chains that bind us is to press against them with all our material might. We can stand at the foot of a mountain and say that is too high for us to climb and the longer we stand there the less strength we have for the climb, the quicker we start to climb the more strength we will gain. The one who is truly seeking goes as far as they can and they will find that as they labor with what they have they gain more strength until finally they can reach the top, but if the person does not put forth the effort to break the bonds they can never attain.
There has never been an adept that has not pushed against the barriers before they broke them down and as they continued to extend the barriers they drew more strength from the soul, the spiritual nature of man, more spirituality entered their being and they gained the power to enter into a more illimitable being. When one breaks down the barriers they may enter Samadhi which is not contemplation or thinking of the Divine, it is literally losing oneself in the Divine.
I have seen adepts, those who are sometimes called masters, sitting in the state of Samadhi, in their physical bodies while the spirit had transcended the material. They might be sitting with their eyes closed or with them wide open, without a movement of the body or the movement of a muscle, with their breathing slowed down, and their heart beating so faintly you could hardly tell there was a pulse. All their strength had gone from the body and when they were not externalizing themselves the body did not need the strength and they would sit three, four or five days in a state of absolute at-one-ment with God. When they returned their face would be lighted up until you could literally see the reflection of the spiritual light shining through them, that they had brought back into the world. It was not the spiritual light, that they could not bring back, but it was the reflection of the light which was so strong that it would shine through the veil of the flesh and light those around them.
In the state of Samadhi the soul passes beyond the earthly plane and the astral plane and enters into that state which is one with the Divine and in that state an awareness is maintained so that the soul is illumined by the light of God and becomes perfect and frees itself from bondage to the wheel of life. The soul that has attained this at-one-ment with God does not have to go out any more, it passes beyond the limitations of the wheel of life, it has become a part of the Christ Consciousness, but like the Christ Consciousness it comes to earth in the form of an Avatar, it comes to shine as a light in the darkness to attract man so that finally man may find the eternal way of life, to become one with God – the only place man can truly know God.
In Cosmic Harmony,