Mount Shasta
By Eddie Pedersen
A Wikipedia article on Mount Shasta contains information on some of the legendary aspects of the mountain: “California’s Mount Shasta has been the subject of an unusually large number of myths and legends. In particular, it is often said to hide a secret city beneath its peaks. In some stories, the city is no longer inhabited, while in others, it is inhabited by a technologically advanced society of human beings or mythical creatures.” Typical of the legends is the account of the supposed inhabitants who comprise that city, the Lemurians. Wikipedia documents two authors who claim the inhabitants are Lemurians, Harvey Spencer Lewis and Frederick Spencer Oliver.
Dr. Doreal, who has written quite extensively on Mt. Shasta and even given lectures on the mountain itself, relates that they are not Lemurians but are in fact, Atlanteans. The Atlanteans settled what is now northern California many thousands of years before either the sinking of Atlantis or Lemuria. Interesting to note that where San Francisco is now, there once was a great part of a Lemurian city. Northern California is one of the most ancient lands in the world.
Dr. Doreal also relates that the Atlantean colony at Mt. Shasta was given the duty of guarding the entrance to a prison in which the Lemurians were later bound. The Atlanteans sealed the entrance and set a guard to see that they never broke out again. The Lemurians had knowledge of a destructive force so terrible that it would be impossible for primitive man to exist on the face of the earth if they had been loose. (Refer to the book “Atlantis and Lemuria” by Doreal for more information on these civilizations and the colonies they created.)
This colony now numbers 353 (at the time of Dr. Doreal’s writing). Dr. Doreal describes their origination thusly, “These people are descendants of one of the groups of Atlanteans led by the priests from Undal who were placed there by Horlet, the Master of Unal, after the sinking of Atlantis. They have been custodians of certain of the scientific secrets of the Atlanteans since the fall of Atlantis.” – see also “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean” by Dr. Doreal
The Atlanteans also guard the prison entrance in the Caroline Islands. They often fly out to the site in a cigar-shaped ship of glistening, silvery-like material. It can be seen every three months when the check is done on the locks and bars of the prison. Dr. Doreal says, “They have the disintegrator rays that were used to destroy the Lemurian ships in the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria, having been given custody of these by Horlet.” These ships are capable of reaching a speed of better than a million miles per second in outer space. In our atmosphere they typically travel at no more than a thousand miles per hour.
Mt. Shasta is of course famous for “UFO” sightings. Mount Shasta is number 13 out of 300 for UFO sighting Hot Spots according to the book, “Mount Shasta Sightings” by Brian David Wallenstein
Dr. Doreal was invited to visit Mt. Shasta in 1931 while he was giving lectures in the area. He was approached by members of the Atlantean colony and given a “cellophane” mask to wear. He was given a belt with two little pockets on the side and a row of buttons. He pressed certain of the buttons. Dr. Doreal was transported to a high altitude, but he was able to breathe because the mask extracted the oxygen from the upper atmosphere.
Upon landing on the mountain, he and the Atlanteans stepped out on a great flat rock almost at the top of the mountain. This platform then descended into the mountain about 5 miles where they came out into a great cavern and between giant pillars of shining white metal that only existed in ancient Atlantis.
They descended again until they were approximately 7 miles below the earth’s surface. They came to a space about 2 miles in height and about 20 miles long and 15 miles wide and it was as bright as a bright summer day. There, suspended almost in the center of that great cavern was a giant glowing mass of light.
That light was condensed from a blending of the rays of the sun, the moon plus the cosmic ray and that it had all of the harmful rays extracted with only the life giving and beneficial energies left. Three concealed power houses (which could ascend or descend as needed) on the surface of the mountain provided the extraction. Occasionally waste energy is vented from the mountain which accounts for the bright lights occasionally seen by observers.
About 1.5 miles from the elevator was a small city of beautiful white houses formed of marble and other stone and they were so beautiful that they almost blinded the eye. They had beautiful lines and architecture. There were also about 400 other buildings including one large building. The rest of the area which is visible just as one comes out of the cavern is laid out like gardens with tropical forests, beautiful trees, and parks and places where vegetables were growing. In addition, were trees bearing fruit unlike any upon the face of the earth today, because they have preserved there the plants and even some of the animals that were before the time of the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria.
The inhabitants can control the energies to cause perfect plant growth. They even condense moisture to form rain. The energy is so life fulfilling that food is only eaten for pleasure. Dr. Doreal ate 2 meals there that was more enjoyable than anything he had eaten.
The inhabitants are never sick unless from an accident and they lived approximately 150 years – passing only when they chose. All of them were illumined souls who chose to carry out this necessary work.
In certain nearby caves they performed alchemical processes – one of which to produce the gold they use as money. They could make any type of stone or metal. In fact, the inhabitants do go out, two at a time, to cities in California to get certain chemicals for transmutational purposes.
In another place they created their garments through a projection type of instrument. From it would shoot out an invisible ray of energy which would form a kind of misty figure of the figure they were projecting and that it would become more and more solid until there would fall on the floor the garment they desired. They could also project pictures and 3 dimensional objects from the books they kept there.
In the largest building was a temple of instruction and a place for Divine attunement. While there, Dr. Doreal was given certain work to do to fulfill the Divine Plan.