The Inner Earth
By Tamara
Learn of the Inner Earth as known in the Ancient Mystery Teachings of Egypt, Tibet, and India. Beneath the surface lies much more than molten rock. At the Earth’s thickest point lay 8000 miles of little known territory. Below the areas of compartmentalized lava, there are channels, spaces, and great caverns large enough to hold entire Earth cities. There are access points from the surface and an organized, interconnected network of 19 passages below. The corridors hold a luminosity and have an atmosphere containing life sustaining nutrients. At the core lies an extremely dense metallic sphere, floating in a gaseous substance.
Within the inner Earth lies the source of a great cosmic energy, known to the ancients as magnetic currents. This energy was tapped by the ancients and gave them the ability to counteract gravity. They used the currents for movement, and to build immense stone structures with ease. Machinery was not needed; the use of tiny hand-held wire devices could direct the currents to move people or objects as desired.
In the passages lives a secretive ancient race perfectly adapted to life there. They have a connection to the minerals, rock, and metals found upon Earth. They have the ability to sustain themselves on seemingly little, and they perform an important role in limiting the disorder on our planet. By doing their work they assist in humankinds’ necessary spiritual development that has taken place since the fall of man.
The progression of consciousness throughout the planets in our solar system, planet X, Halloween, May 1st, the legend of the fall of Lucifer, and the legends of giant beings enslaving mankind, may all appear to have little in common, but the Inner Earth connects these mysteries, and contains yet more captive inside.
At its core, the Earth holds a powerful flaming mass of cosmic energy in relation to the sun, in delicate balance. This balance point is the Earths’ negative pole in contrast to the Suns’ positive. The balance point maintains the Earth axis, and is holding the North and South poles in the current position. When the balance point shifts, as has happened before in Earth history, land masses, mountains, and climate, can dramatically transform and deviate to adjust to the new balance.
At the Earths’ heart lies the Anima Mundi, the world soul that gives life force to all creatures. It is here that a fourth dimensional energetic connection links earth, the sun, and ultimately, the entire universe.