By Eddie Pedersen
Yoga and Yoga exercises – what is it, what is the purpose?
Dr. Doreal states, “In the East, Yoga is not considered so much a system as a path. It is actually a conditioning of the consciousness of man until he is able to recognize and manifest on all of the planes of his being. ”
“Yoga is so constructed that it uses the power of man to obtain certain reactions. The teachings are very old, and it is believed that they began with Patanjali who lived before the time of Christ. They have come down through the ages with the basic principles and practices unchanged.”
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga really means the manifestation of the etheric or Divine Fire within man. Dr. Doreal teaches, “The word Yoga expresses the Science of Yoga, the Yogi is one who practices Yoga. Yoga means literally Fire Divinity. Sometimes it is called Fire Wisdom, but the Yoga really means the manifestation of the etheric or Divine Fire within man. Every system of Yoga utilizes that Divine Fire within man. Every system of Yoga utilizes that Divine energy or Divine Fire which flows through man, not only in the breath that he breathes, but through the more subtle Nadis or channels that are found throughout his physical body as well as his more subtle astral body.”
It is through breath that the student extracts that Divine Fire or pranic energy which then manifests Kundalini when done correctly. Kundalini is then caused to rise up the spine opening the seven chakras. Technically, Kundalini is not truly rising up the spine but up the Sushumna channel, a fourth dimensional nadi.
Western Yoga
The problem with Yoga as taught in the Western world is that much of the true knowledge of Yoga is not revealed. Most people associate Yoga as the various stretching postures that fitness devotees practice at the various studios and centers in their communities. The stretching postures, if they are anything, are Asana, not Yoga.
It is because there are so many voids of knowledge in western yoga, that many studios prefer to teach the stretching exercises and leave occult development out of it. Luckily, that is so. In the fifties and sixties western yoga sprang into being thanks to a number of so-called swamis and mahatmas who came from India. They nurtured their limited knowledge of yoga from a teaching center in Benares into a fad approach to physical and spiritual development. These swamis spent a mere six months in learning, then felt they had the wisdom to teach others.
Dr. Doreal says, “The only real Yogi that ever came to this country was Vivekananda, the only real one that had been really instructed, but he came and could only give a little because the people were not ready. He was taught by Shri Rama Krishna. Anyway, many of them have taught certain things they were instructed in and that is only fragmentary knowledge that the schools allowed to come out in public. The real things were never taught indiscriminately, but only to those who had prepared themselves and were mentally and spiritually balanced to receive it.”
What the so-called swamis did not know is that the western body vibrates at an octave of vibration entirely different than the eastern body. As spiritual development relies on vibration, that becomes a critical factor. Yoga also develops not just the seven chakras but there are twelve physical centers not mentioned in western yoga that are crucial to proper development. On top of that are twelve spiritual centers that are developed after opening the twelve physical channels.
Key to yoga teaching is mantram. But the swamis did not know that there are two polarities to a mantram. The vocalization is the positive polarity. What is not known is how to express the negative polarity. Therefore, the student can do mantram until he/she is blue in the face, but he will never get true manifestation without expressing that negative polarity of the mantram. I should mention that the term negative does not mean evil or bad in that sense.
Proper approaches to spiritual development
We must conclude then that we are not going to get spiritual development with western yoga practices. The western yoga student think they must raise Kundalini at the base of the spine, but don’t know the breathing exercises that will cause Kundalini to rise in the first place. It must also be said that as Kundalini rises and begins to open the chakra it is impinging upon – that the mere touching upon that chakra by the Kundalini brings extraordinary occult development – clairvoyance, astral projection, and awareness of other planes and dimensions. When you hear of someone blithely intimating, they have been raising their Kundalini, you can be sure they are not doing anything of the sort.
It can also be dangerous to practice the occult development exercises of western yoga. A lady came to Dr. Doreal complaining of terrific headaches for the past six years. She had even been to the Mayo Brothers, but they were unable to help her. After discussion it was learned she had been attending a yoga class and was working on the Ajna chakra in coordination with certain breathing. By doing an incorrect approach to opening the Ajna center, she set up a disordered or uneven vibration in the pituitary center that was out of harmony with the physical body, and it caused that intense pain.
How Dr. Doreal healed this lady of that condition is quite instructive. The condition was not a mental disorder, physical or spiritual disorder. Rather it was a psychic disorder. He says, “I gave her a treatment which uses the mind, the will, and certain psychic forces; and centered it on the pituitary center, willing for the vibration to be lowered and ordered; and thus gradually brought the vibration down and down.” It took two treatments to successfully banish the disordered condition and the headache disappeared.
It is amazing how people blindly accept knowledge and practice it without question. Why are postures important to the yogi in the first place? As was previously mentioned, every system of Yoga utilizes that Divine energy or Divine Fire which flows through man. The asanas are used to augment certain flows of divine energy, and just as importantly, diminish other flows of energy. Stillness is a vital process in yoga exercises, certain postures diminish those “active” flows that interfere with that stillness.
Development and the power of reason and discrimination
Because too many students are quick to accept “metaphysical” information as all good, they lack the attribute so important to the real student of truth – the power of discrimination – the ability to discern the true from the false. Therefore, true yoga is not taught in the western world except by the Brotherhood of the White Temple. Western yoga does not teach asanas that are appropriate to the western body. Regarding the secret of Yoga breath and Mantram, Dr. Doreal says, “This Secret has never been taught by Yogis who have taught in the Western World, previously, as it is one of the GREAT SECRETS of POWER, which the Western world was not considered ready to receive. By special dispensation of the Great Yogis of the Himalayas I am now permitted to give this for the first time in America.” And that is the secret of the positive and negative polarity to each mantram expression.
Another great secret to raising Kundalini is the beating of the Shabvakata. Without knowledge of that exercise it is impossible to manifest the true results of Yoga practice. This practice is given in the book, “Asana Breath and Mantram”. Another key resource is “Yoga, Science of Breath” by Doreal.
About Yoga, Dr. Doreal states, “My Guru told me that a few hundred years ago a few fragments of the old knowledge (Yoga) was discarded, and the works, or books, fell into the hands of the uninitiated, and upon that foundation of discarded fragmentary knowledge, an entire philosophy was based in error, as the most important keys were not formed in that fragmentary knowledge. I learned the keys and the things which were not given, and which have not been made accessible to the Western world.” Dr. Doreal brings this knowledge to us.
Types of Yoga
I will discuss certain practices in a future blog:
- Raja Yoga – Recognized to be the high Spiritual Philosophy of Ancient India – the highest of all Spiritual teachings. It does not deal with occult phenomena; it does not deal with the physical body.
- Hatha Yoga – Deals with the forces of the body that brings about healing and with the functions of the glands and organs of the body.
- Sahaj Yoga – Deals with the primary force of the universe – the life force. Every created thing has life force to one degree or another.
- Other types: Bhakti, Karma and Juani
It is apparent from the teachings Dr. Doreal gave that there is a vast amount of information not available to the western world or the world at large. In fact, he gives much information not taught since the time of Atlantis. If you desire true spiritual development, then the Brotherhood teachings are for you.