The Kabbala
by Tamara
This is a 63 paged summary of The Kabbala, containing three parts, and it answers some of the biggest mysteries and questions asked by people to this day. How did we come to be? What is our connection to God? What is our purpose here?
The word Kabbala, fittingly, means mystery. It was intended to be used as a map to help man return to Paradise. It is said to have been given to Adam by God after the Fall of Man. The Kabbala had an ancient tradition of being passed down through word of mouth from teacher to disciple. It was taught in incremental stages to those deemed worthy to receive it. Students had to live a pure and just existence, and long periods of contemplation and meditation were required. The deepest understandings of the Kabbala can still only be known through oral teachings as they have not been transcribed.
The Kabbala was transcribed first in Aramaic, then later into Latin and Hebrew, with the earliest English translation being traced to 1205 A. D. The major works include; “The Greater Holy Assembly,” “The Lesser Holy Assembly,” “The Book of Concealed Mysteries,” “The Sepher Yetzirah.” and “The Book of Creation.” Many, such as Madam Blavatsky, believe the Kabbala is a key to understanding other ancient wisdom, including the Old and New Testament.
The Kabbala focuses largely on creation or genesis, and describes how God descended into the lower planes from the higher planes. Before creation was the state of being known as the Great Abyss, void, or nothingness, which held the potentiality of all. As yet there was no motion, light, creation, or time. What existed in the void was pressure from the weight of the void upon itself. The pressure of this inertia upon itself came to a focal point. This central focal point created a motion: the very first movement.
The first motion became the nucleus of all creation, and it spun into a light. The divine, infinite nature of God was brought into other planes by the creation of lights. This is why God is known in the St. James bible as the Father of Lights.
This first great light is known as the Torchbearer of Insupportable Brightness. After it spun into being it extended itself into four planes of existence. It did so by pushing against the darkness of the void to create a space for it to fill. Because the harmonized light and dark disorder repulse one another, this required the concentration upon a vital point, and once the disorder was driven back, the Torchbearer filled the space with complete perfection, order, and harmony.
After the first space was filled, the Divine Light withdrew from it, leaving behind a shadow of itself, called the garment. This garment is the highest plane of creation, known as the Spiritual Plane. The Divine light further withdrew itself by removing a vestige of the garment, muting some of the brilliance, and in its place created the Divine Mental Plane. The vestige of the remaining garment was removed two more times, creating the Astral Plane, and finally, the lowermost Material Plane. This completed the four stages or states of being, and incrementally reduced the intensity of the Torchbearer of Insupportable Brightness.
The great light drew from the pressure existing in the void, and grew continuously, maintaining its separateness from the void. The great light split itself into 10 lights, creating what is known as the 10 Sephiroth of creation. The 10 Sephiroth is represented in both the Tree of Life and the symbol of the Seal of Solomon. Each Sephiroth, or branch on the Tree of Life, contains a dual polarity; positive (manifest masculine) and negative (unmanifest feminine), and it is held in perfect balance. In nature there must be two polarities to create anything.
The 10 major lights of creation further divided into 100, then 1000, creating what is known as The Great Wheel of Light. These 1000 lights form the core of the Infinite One, and they represent the primary divine laws through which creation was formed and is maintained. The Buddhist symbol of the 1000 petalled lotus cap represents the 1000 primary lights or laws.
The Great Wheel of Light was formed out of perfectly ordered and harmonized light, while being surrounded by the dark, disordered void. These 1000 lights grew by assimilating and transmuting the dark disorder, and God continues to grow through this process. God is the manifestation of all the order and harmony in the Cosmos, the syntagma of perfection, always moving, always growing. The entire Cosmos and all Creation exist for the sole purpose of ordering the disharmony, and transmuting it to light.
There are two creations of man that are spoken of. The greater creation is Adam Kadmon, the divine and Macrocosmic man. The lesser creation is the human, material, Microcosmic man. The Microcosmic man reflects the Macrocosmic divine blueprint; Adam Kadmon, outstretched in space. The 10 Sephiroth, or the Tree of Life, forms the body of the divine man, on all 4 planes of existence. Each Sephiroth contains an attribute of God which is manifested in the mind, brain, chest, arms, legs, and feet of the Divine man. Each individual has a miniature Tree of Life within that can be awakened. Man grows spiritually and transmutes negation through this structure, assisting God to grow and order the dark, inharmonious light.
The four planes of existence and the Ten Sephiroth, or the Tree of Life, are limitless, and encompass all things. They provide the means for the Divine to touch upon the material plane without being repulsed by it. They form a bridging link that steps down the brilliance and perfection of the Absolute, so that darkness and disorder in the surrounding void can be assimilated. The structure acts as a transformer, and allows negation to become transmuted, and become a part of the growing light and harmony.
In Doreals’ The Kabbala , you can learn the names and functions of each of the branches of the Tree of Life, or the Ten Sephiroth. He tells of the 10 numbers and the 22 letters of Ancient Hebrew, their relation to the Tree of Life and Creation. These 32 paths have ties to the symbolism, and the use of Gematria within the Kabbala.
Doreal shares more about Kabbalistic creation, including how the first planets and stars were formed through the use of polarities, the Shining Web, the Divine Breath, the primal elements, and the Lost Word of Power. He tells of the nature of original man, why humans were split into feminine and masculine, why death was created, and, through no fault of his own, how mankind fell, and how life changed since. He talks of the ultimate spiritual goal we as individuals can aim for.
One thought on “The Kabbala”
Superb teachings Never heard anywhere in the world I challenge anyone to come up with such revelation,mind blowing and explain in detail like Dr Doreal and BWT
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