Part I
by Dr. Doreal
The word Samadhi may not mean a great deal to some of you who are unacquainted with the Eastern teaching, yet, to the Easterner Samadhi is the greatest word and signifies the greatest attainment. It is literally at-one-ment with God, and the seeker for it is striving for the gaining of this at-one-ment in whatever kind they conceive it to be. Samadhi is a condition of consciousness which is found in the soul of each individual, it is only in the inner being of the individual that one may see the divine spirit or God. Man does not find God in the material alone, man finds God as a spirit in the spiritual realm, man must seek in his own spiritual self to find God.
In the East the great teachers of wisdom have for many ages tried to discover how man may control his lower or animalistic nature and bring forth the higher nature of his being. They have found that there are certain necessary things to be accomplished, those necessary things include the control of the mind and of the body, because it is only through the control of the qualities and forces that we use to manifest in the material that we are able to enter the higher or more divine world.
In the search for Samadhi we find that the principle is to go within and release powers that we can use to take hold of the necessary forces and energy to control life around us. We must also learn how to shut off any of those things in the outer world which seem to have the power to force us into paths we do not like or wish to follow. It is only when we learn to control the external that we can learn to control the internal.
The first step is the control of our outer self, for that reason one is taught that one must become master of the material so it is subject to the will. Only when it answers to the command given it is one able to command and withdraw from it. Without such control of the mind one finds themselves clinging to the outer world, we are told to seek the inner world.
Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added unto you.” We do not realize that seeking the kingdom of heaven means the perfecting of ourselves on all planes of being, we can only seek the kingdom when we have purified ourselves so we are worthy to enter into the kingdom. We must purify ourselves of all negation and inharmony, we cannot take those things into God’s kingdom. Every individual must learn to manifest the spiritual in their outer life if they hope to attain the kingdom of heaven.
Most of us will be bound by sickness and other negative things of life, (most of us think man is here to suffer) but no person needs to suffer any longer than they desire. They say, “I have tried to get well, I have tried to hold the thought of health yet the sickness still persists.”
There is more to the removal of negation in our body and surroundings than the willing of it, if it would go away by the mere willing it would be very easy to control any condition in our life – we would just have to say, “Go away,” and it would. The willing alone will not do it, we have to reach into our inner-self and change the pattern or matrix else the negative conditions continue to exist because there has been no change in the pattern or matrix. Most of us do not realize that before there can be any change in the visible world there must be a change in the pattern or matrix in the invisible world. We have to make a new matrix and destroy the old.
We do not change things in the spiritual world by willing in the material world, we have to do as Jesus said, “Pray not as the heathen do thinking to be heard of their much saying but when ye pray retire into thy inner chamber and what ye ask in secret of the God in your heart will be given thee in the open.”
What is this inner chamber where dwells the God of your heart? It is the invisible inner self, the self that has the power to change all things in the material world. We can only ask God for things in the spiritual world and we can then manifest them in the material world, as long as we seek with the material will, that will applies in the material, when we seek with the spiritual will we can change the pattern or matrix into a harmonious one.
You may wonder what all this has to do with my talk on Samadhi. The ancients said that the material world is the footstool of God and where we must establish harmony before we can enter into the harmony of God. The path to Samadhi is the path of conquest of self and man does not conquer self unless he knows himself, physically, mentally, astrally and spiritually. Man cannot know himself in part only, he must know himself in all planes of being – only in so doing can he put forth the power to master life and the conditions of life. We enter Samadhi by mastery over life and the conditions of life.
(To Be Continued)
In Cosmic Harmony,